Financial Health Assessment



Real Estate is only the first part of your financial freedom journey. But the legacy you can leave with real estate can spark a flame in investing in other things. In order to live the life you want, anywhere you want, you have to start with financial freedom. Take a look and carve your financial path. The more money you have, the more you’ll have to buy more real estate! See, it comes full circle! Look, I get it. Having tough conversations about money is hard. It’s hard to do with our loved ones, it’s hard to do with our friends, it’s hard to do with our employers when we need a raise or deserve a better salary, it’s hard for our customers and clients when we need to raise our prices or give refunds, and it’s VERY hard to do with a complete stranger that wants to get all in your business about YOUR money. I get it! That’s why, after having your consultation, you were sent this guide. This guide was created to pose some questions that you may be asking yourself or your partner. Maybe you’re on the fence about investing because of the risk. Maybe you are ready, but your partner isn’t ready to have the “money talk” and thinks things are fine the way they are. And, in all honesty, you may not be ready to adjust to the necessary changes of managing your money better because you don’t need feel the need to right now. Trust me, I get it. What I can tell you, though, is that, if you had all the pieces for your financial picture put together, you wouldn’t be reading this guide. Take a look and take some time to absorb the concepts presented here, and when you have had a chance to let it simmer, let’s get rolling with forging your financial future!

Prologue  Look, I get it. Having tough conversations about money is hard. It’s hard to do with our loved ones, it’s hard to do with our friends, it’s hard to do with our employers when we need a raise or deserve a better salary, it’s hard for our cus

How to build better business credit

If you want to accelerate your investing journey, especially in real estate. You will need business credit. And business credit that is not on your personal credit! This step-by-step how-to guide will help you understand the fundamentals of structuring your business and how those components help you get verified as a legitimate business to obtain credit! There is also several examples and requirements of creditors and lenders that offer business credit so that you can qualify into a Tier IV or Tier V business credit profile on Dun&Bradstreet, Experian Business, and Equifax Business!

You Can Make Money on Anything, Even Money


Before you can begin generating wealth, you have to understand the fundamental laws of money in an infinite scope. If you’ve heard me speak at a conference, on my podcast, or have done a consultation with me, one of the things I often say is that that the scarce mind triggers the brain to think that money, and more so the access to money, is limited. However, the universal laws of nature also apply to money, even though money is not a natural resource—well technically is does, but the point is, it doesn’t grow on trees. Your access to money becomes unlimited if you know that money is wholly and undoubtably transferable. That said, even if more money can’t be “printed”, the value of things on which we attribute to money is unlimited, therefore it seems as though money is too valuable to be “lost”. And when money is lost, it feels like it’s wasted when money leaves our hands. It forces us to try and hold onto the money we do have (or think we have). Once you understand the transferability of value, and how we interpret value in terms of money, then the brain becomes aligned with the notion that you must cycle money around in order to generate more, and ultimately, an unlimited amount of money.

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